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Art in isolation with Marco Walker

Marco Walker works within the boundaries of photography, collage, alternative print and immersive photographic installations. We caught up with him to talk about his work and life in isolation.

Hey Marco, tell us about your method. How do you create your work?

Hey! I have worked as a photographer for the last ten years across both commercial and fine art. In recent years I‘ve been experimenting with different art forms from collage and alternative print methods to immersive installations whilst keeping true to my aesthetic with the use of photography, colour and strong graphics.

For the sculpture and collage work, every project starts with an idea. Then follows extensive research, as well as diving back into my archive once the concept is formulated with a strong visual identity. Back in my studio, I edit and reconstruct the imagery, or for more bespoke sculpture commissions, I create with a specific location in mind.

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Meditation and spending time in nature are key to keeping my mind healthy. When I don’t practise regularly I really feel it.

In general, where do you find your inspo?

In-between campaign work I always tag on time to travel and explore, wherever I am. My best ideas often come to me when I’m on the road. Nature has always been a huge inspiration, especially for my landscape work. However for my collages the process and inspiration is quite different; this is usually more thought out and involves quite a lot of planning and research into more topical ideas as well as obscure subjects.

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Love Machine, Marco Walker [2018]

Tell us a bit about Bombay Beach.

I’ve been exhibiting at the BBB [an immersive art and culture festival on the shores of the Salton Sea] for the last three years now. It’s been an exciting journey. In 2017, the theme was ‘what the future used to be’  and my piece was called La Piscina. My installation, created out of hyper-real, life-size photo sculptures on the beach, evoked the long lost era of Hollywood chic and is symbolic of the region’s more exotic history, before the town was flooded and the lake became toxic. I feel honoured to be part of this exciting project and I look forward to seeing it develop going forward. We recently acquired some property in the the town and are planning on creating a gallery/sculpture garden where we will invite other artists to come and show their work … watch this space!

If you could give us one piece of advice for mental health, what would it be?

Meditation and spending time in nature are key to keeping my mind healthy. When I don’t practise regularly I really feel it.

How does your practise influence/alleviate your mental health?

Researching, creating and shooting are all fantastic distractions from ones thoughts …. basically keeping busy and keeping motivated. 

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Zion, Marco Walker [2017]

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

My children 🙂 most of the time but also any challenging and exciting project. Currently I’m working on shoot for a medical marijuana brand in California which involves dancers and acrobats. 

What music do you listen to whilst you’re working?

Jazz, soul, funk, disco and all they have influenced. Music always help me transition into a state of creative flow which brings the ideas.

Where did you grow up and did it have an influence on your work now?

I grew up in London, I think the fact that I didn’t see much sun in my formative years meant that when I moved to California in 2001 the big skies and colourful landscapes had a major impact on my perspective and how I would see the world through my lens. 

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Merida, Marco Walker [2017]

What did you study?

Visual culture. 

What was your worst ever job?

Photographer for an estate agency [not my proudest moment].

What’s the best exhibition you’ve ever been to see?

Many great exhibitions, but I remember Gerhard Richters show ‘Atlas’ in 2003 at the Whitechapel Gallery having a major impact on me. 

Favourite artist/photographer and why?

Very hard to pick one as there are many that I admire but artist would have to be Hockney for his use of colour and variable mediums and photographer I would say Ralph Gibson for his sharp eye for beauty and detail.

Dark or light?

Dark [just kidding].


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